Update training mountain guides and CIC guides
Last weekend 4 mountain guides with canyoning qualification from Vorarlberg and 3 CIC guides met to pass the statutory update training of the canyon guides of Vorarlberg in Tessin, Switzerland.
Under the leadership of Edi
Kumaropulus (instructor for mountain guides in Austria and CIC
Guide) the update training was held under the slogan „Learn together from each other". The two days long training was organised in the canyons of the Maggia valley, Switzerland.
Jumping and abseiling are the major reasons for accidents in the Vorarlberg canyons. Different solutions were presented and discussed by the participants. Common strategies were discoverd and pros' and cons' presented. This enhances the communication and the quality of leadership when mountain guides and CIC guides are guiding together.
One more focus was on "guiding in the Tessin area" with all its specific needs. A presentation, hold by Samuele Szpiro, responsible for safetey and vice director of the Tessiner Wasserkraftanlagen OFIMA and OFIBLE, informed about important special rules and laws when guiding in the canyons of this area. He presented as well the european wide unique safety concept of this energy producer. The group could even visit the control center.
The following rules are statutory when guiding in canyons in the Tessin area in 2011 :
All additional dangers for a canyon guide based on possible water releases by the energy producer were presented by slideshows, animations and short films. We want to emphasize the positive attitude of the energy producer towards accident avoidance and canyoning in general.

Both associations, mountain guides and CIC guides, are looking forward to a further professional partnership as canyon guides and continue by giving a good example.
Thanks a lot for these instructive days !
Thomas Waibel and Alex Lenz

One more focus was on "guiding in the Tessin area" with all its specific needs. A presentation, hold by Samuele Szpiro, responsible for safetey and vice director of the Tessiner Wasserkraftanlagen OFIMA and OFIBLE, informed about important special rules and laws when guiding in the canyons of this area. He presented as well the european wide unique safety concept of this energy producer. The group could even visit the control center.
The following rules are statutory when guiding in canyons in the Tessin area in 2011 :
- Going through canyons with water supply is permitted from 9 am to 22 pm only
(prohibited by law between 22 pm and 9 am)
- It is statutory to call the hotline of the energy producer to sign in and out
- The hotline operator has the right to refuse access to the canyon (flash floods possible). Your are obliged to follow his announcements!

Both associations, mountain guides and CIC guides, are looking forward to a further professional partnership as canyon guides and continue by giving a good example.
Thanks a lot for these instructive days !
Thomas Waibel and Alex Lenz